La venganza será terrible es el show radial que conduce el escritor y músico Alejandro Dolina desde 1983 en Argentina. Yo soy una seguidora fiel (1992) y desde entonces me voy a dormir todas las noches con sus cuentos que escucho online o bajo a mi i pod.
Dolina y sus dos colaboradoes tienen un formato definido y genial. Primero, leen y comentan una parte de historia mundial o de mitología nórdica, china, griega y romana, etc... La segunda parte es netamente humorística basada en "monografías" de las revistas de mujeres que le sirven de plataforma para fraguar pasajes desopilantes. Al cierre, los oyentes pueden llamar con pedidos de canciones para que Dolina y otros músicos interpreten.
Un ejemplo de alguien similar en cuanto al estilo humorístico y nivel cultural en los EEUU sería Garrison Keillor con su programa radial en NPR: A Praire Home Companion.
Un ejemplo de alguien similar en cuanto al estilo humorístico y nivel cultural en los EEUU sería Garrison Keillor con su programa radial en NPR: A Praire Home Companion.
Revenge will be Terrible is a literal translation of Alejandro Dolina's radio show that he hosts since 1983 in Argentina. I've have been a faithful follower of the show since 1992 and since then I go to sleep with this writer and musician's stories that I listen online or download to my i pod.
Dolina and his team have come up with a fantastic format for the show. First, they read and comment about world history or mythology of all regions of the world. The second part is completely humorous and based on "essays" from women magazines that they use as a platform to concoct the hilarious segment. Just before the end, people can call in song requests f6r Dolina and other musicians.
Dolina and his team have come up with a fantastic format for the show. First, they read and comment about world history or mythology of all regions of the world. The second part is completely humorous and based on "essays" from women magazines that they use as a platform to concoct the hilarious segment. Just before the end, people can call in song requests f6r Dolina and other musicians.
Garrison Keillor, with his NPR A Praire Home Conmpanion, would be comparable in terms of kind of humor and cultural background in the US.
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