Friday, June 26, 2009


Mudarse es un gran cambio y los cambios ofrecen oportunidades. Me he mudado varias veces en mi vida pero esta vez es especial porque lo hago con mi familia. La casa que dejamos está llena de recuerdos del hogar que construímos con mi esposo y mi hija y la casa a donde vamos es una nueva aventura que emprendemos juntos.
Lo más abrumador hasta ahora es ver la cantidad de pertenencias que acumulamos y lo poco que realmente importan...
Moving is a big change and changes are opportunities. I've moved many times but this one is special because I'm doing it with my family. The house we are leaving is filled with memories built with my husband and daughter and the one we are moving to is a new adventure we are starting together.
The most overwhelming so far is to see the amount of belongings we accumulate and the little they really matter...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you, Jorge and Zoe as you begin this newest part of your journey together! And have fun decorating!!