Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tidy Town

You know when you think you came up with a great idea and then you find out that someone else came up with the concept... 50 years or so ago?
That happened last weekend when we were driving through Stamford with my husband and baby. We had to run a couple of errands in different pasts of town and I noticed how the neighborhoods were entirely different in such a small town as ours. I couldn't help compare the prettier parts of the city with the rest. In a sudden burst of inspiration, I told my husband that we should write to the mayor, Mr Malloy, to organize a competition among the city's neighborhoods to promote the up keeping. I even suggested the aspects to be assessed: litter, paint, sustainable landscaping, "walkability". And, of course, the incentives had to be big: a property tax cut and free beach passes for residents.
Oh well, this is called a Tidy Town Competition and it is regularly held in Ireland and Australia. Wouldn't it be lovely if it could be done here as well? I know that certain areas of Stamford wouldn't stand a chance as they are now. However, if the assessment is broad enough, inclusive enough, there would be ways to even the scores. "Walkability" is clearly non existent in North Stamford while it is and an A plus in the Cove area. People can walk to the beach, ice cream stores, supermarkets, smaller delis, Colony Pizza...
Wouldn't it be lovely if we had a Tidy Town Competition in Stamford? What would you "tidy up" in your neighborhood?
¿Alguna vez creyeron tener una idea genial y luego se enteraron de que alguien ya lo había pensado hace unos 50 años?
Esto me pasó el fin de semana pasado cuando manejabamos por Stamford con mi esposo e hija. Teníamos que hacer mandados en distintas partes de la ciudad y noté como los vecindarios son completamente distintos en nuestra pequeña ciudad. No pude evitar comparar las partes más lindas con el resto.
En un flash de inspiración le dije a mi esposo que deberíamos escribirle al alcalde, el Sr Malloy, para organizar una competencia entre los barrios de la ciudad y asi promover el matenimiento de los mismos. Incluso sugerí los aspectos a evaluar: basura, pintura, diseño de paisaje sostenible, "caminabilidad". Por supuesto, tendría que haber grandes incentivos: un descuento en el impuesto a la propiedad y pases gratis para la playa.
De hecho, esto se llama Tidy Town Competition y se realiza todos los anos en Irlanda y Australia. ¿No sería fabuloso si se llevara a cabo aquí tambien? Sé que ciertas partes de Stamford no tendrían buenas chances de ganar como están ahora. Sin embargo, si los aspectos a evaluar son amplios e inclusivos habría maneras de nivelar la competencia. Caminar es imposible en Stamford Norte pero el area de Cove obtendría un puntaje de 10. Se puede caminar a la playa, heladerías, supermercado y mercados más pequeños, Pizza Colony...
¿No sería genial tener una competencia de Tidy Town en Stamford? ¿Qué mejorarían en su barrio?


Unknown said...

I would love to see such an effort! Many have been tried before, but not with such very nice incentives (mostly just pride in the neighborhood, no cash). Good luck in pushing it.

Stefania said...

What has been tried before? I didn't know... Was it a Tidy Town?