Monday, July 27, 2009

8 Month Bilingual Baby

Our Baby's linguistic development this month is astounding. As regards production, she seems to be responding with sweet sounds when we play with her. Papa says "ahhh" and waits for her answer and sure enough she goes "ahhh" in response. What is more surprising is to see her understand this is a game!

As regards reception, she seems to understand much more when we talk to her, especially "no, no, no". Also, she is starting to relate to some of her toys more than to others; her face lights up when she sees her little bunny. She has her favorite repertoire of songs to which she gets more excited: El brujo de Gulubú, Manuelita, Estamos invitados a tomar el té, If you are Happy and you Know it, The wheels on the Bus.

Her motor development is ever improving. She learnt to sit up when she is lying down and plays by herself in the pack 'n play and her crib. She's starting to wave bye -bye and attempting kisses. But what I adore the most is that she learnt to clap! Papa taught her one morning in bed and she can't get enough of it - neither can we.

I know it's been said but I'll say it anyway: I feel lucky to have her in my life and humbled by the privilege. I truly do.


El desarrollo linguístico de nuestra Bebé este mes es sorprendente. En cuanto a producción, parece responder con dulces sonidos cuando jugamos con ella. Papa dice "aaaa" y espera la respuesta y ella responde "aaa" también. Lo que más me asombra es que ella comprende que estamos jugando.

En cuanto a la recepción, parece comprender mucho más cuando hablamos con ella, en especial el "no, no, no". Además, está comenzando a tener afinidad con algunos juguetes más que con otros; su carita brilla de felicidad cuando ve su conejito. Tiene su repertorio de canciones preferidas con las que se emociona: El brujo de Gulubú, Manuelita, Estamos invitados a tomar el té, If you are Happy and you Know it, The wheels on the Bus.

Su desarrollo motriz esta mejorando continuamente. Aprendió a sentarse estando acostada y juega sola en su corralito o cuna. Está empezando a saludar con la manito y trata de dar besitos. Pero lo que me encanta es que aprendió a aplaudir. Papá le enseñó una mañana en la cama y tanto ella como nosotros lo disfrutamos muchísimo.

Sé que se ha dicho muchas veces pero lo diré de todos modos: me siento dichosa y humilde por el privilegio de tenerla en mi vida. De verdad.


Unknown said...

Sweet! We have a one year old next door who is bilingual and responds to both English and Spanish equally well. I, well I am amazed!

Stefania said...

That's what we are shooting for: that she is confortable in both languages. From what I read, all bilingual or multilingual people have a dominant language though.

Meaghan said...

A sweet, beautiful, brilliant baby girl, without a doubt! She must take after Mama. (Just kidding, Papa! I hear you make mealtime a breeze.)

xo to the three of you!